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  • Monday 20 May 2024 Upcoming Induction Days at Post 16 Upcoming Induction Days at Post 16 Prospective Students will be receiving their letters to interview next month at the Post 16 Centre and plans are already underway for the Inductions Days on Wednesday July 3rd and Thursday July 4th for new Year 12s and 13s to be able to trial lessons, meet staff and enjoy getting to know their new school. we are looking forward to welcoming all new students then!
  • Monday 11 December 2023 The Post 16 Centre gets a festive makeover From a sparkling tree in the common room to a festive entrance to the centre. The Post 16 Centre is embracing the upcoming holidays. We will be open and running lessons until Friday December 22ndat 12pm . Students leave early on this Friday and will return in 2024 on Tuesday January 9th . As the weather draws colder please ensure your young person considers a coat, appropriate footwear for the conditions outside. We wish all our parents, professionals and young people a restful break after December 22nd.
  • Monday 11 December 2023 Oh yes we did... Post 16’s will be taking to the Pantomime on Thursday December 21st to see the matinee performance of Cinderella. Tickets have been reduced to £5 and tickets have now sold out. It should be a festive and entertaining afternoon. Students will be able to leave from the theatre after the performance.
  • Thursday 7 December 2023 The Post 16 Christmas Market Stall for Enterprise As the post 16 Enterprise qualifications are coming to a close – the Year 12’s have been busy making, painting and working on their portfolios to wrap up their Level 1 qualifications this month. Their market stall extravaganza is being hosted at Stephenson Academy on Thursday December 7thfrom 10am with all proceeds being put towards rewards for the cohort. They’ve come up with some really creative ideas this year and the stall is bound to be busy!
  • Tuesday 7 November 2023 Exams at the Post 16 Centre The Post 16 centre will be shut today and tomorrow for the November Functional Skills exams series. These are important exams for our students in securing their Maths and English qualifications and the next closures will be in early March for Functionals Skills Level 2 exams. Thanks to all the parents/carers for their support in helping the students to arrive in centre if they had an exam today and for your support in us being closed to help support those sitting exams. Good luck to all our sitting exams over these next two days!
  • Wednesday 1 November 2023 Post 16 students join the A.I conference at Bletchley Park In a stroke of luck, the Post 16 Centre was able to secure a handful of tickets to the A.I conference happening today in Bletchley Park. This was attended by several leaders in the field and PM’s including Elon Musk and the Prime Minister. Our students got to see firsthand the advancements and concerns being brought forward with A.I and those students interested in I.T or going into fields that involve cyber security they really enjoyed the day.
  • Sunday 22 October 2023 Post 16 students test their driving skills at Silverstone! As part of our October experiences some of our students have been to Silverstone day to experience their driving simulator and to take in the history of motor sport. They were fortunate to have a full tour, including down into the pits and go to see some of the cars and developments of the sport over time. Other trips happening this week were an experience as Waddesdon Manor, to see the grounds and manor house, and Year 13’s headed to the national film and sci-fi museum.
  • Friday 6 October 2023 The Stephenson Trust Post 16 Centre is Celebrating! We are excited to announce that we are turning 5 this year and we will be attending the MK SEND morning on October 14th to mark the occasion. Additionally we will be hosting our very own Open Afternoon on Wednesday October 16th from 2-4pm. So if you have any questions about what we do, join us at Oakwood Drive MK2 2JG.
  • Wednesday 5 July 2023 We are now an Accredited Lightbulb School After successfully going through the audit process with St Andrews Healthcare and undergoing additional staff training sessions in mental wellness we are pleased to report that the Stephenson Trust Post 16 has become an accredited Lightbulb School. LightBulb is a mental wellness programme that allows us as a provision to demonstrate and showcase excellence regarding mental health practice to regulatory bodies such as Ofsted. It also means that staff have had additional training to improve their knowledge, understanding and skills to identify potential signs and symptoms of mental health issues. We are pleased to be recognised as a provision that prioritises mental wellness for our young people and thrilled to become part of the Lighbulb network.
  • Friday 30 June 2023 You're Invited! Post 16 Induction Days....
  • Friday 16 June 2023 Join Us Today...
  • Thursday 8 June 2023 You are Cordially Invited…. Post 16 will be hosting its first ever graduation and leavers day at our new Oakwood Drive campus next Friday June 16th from 1pm. All students, family and friends are welcome to attend this celebration of their achievements over the course of the year and a final send off for our Year 13 co-hort. Light refreshments will follow the ceremony. Students are welcome in centre from 11am to partake in our graduation morning activities and whole school BBQ prior to the ceremony starting at 1pm.
  • Friday 26 May 2023 Post 16 Students “Horsing” Around Yesterday afternoon was a beautiful day for Post 16 students to work on their horse care unit for Occupational Studies in the Workplace. Our final day of classes is today, May 26th; from Monday June 5th we will only be having students in for exams and their portfolio completion days according to the timetables we have sent home. If you are not sure when your young person should be in, please contact reception here at Post 16. We would like to wish all of our students a wonderful May half term break – and don’t forget to use sun cream next week in the warm weather!
  • Wednesday 17 May 2023 Post 16 Students Take a Step back into History As a wrap up for the car maintenance work students have been working on all year, several students today visited the British Motor Museum to check out the advances that have been made over the years in car manufactory. A great mid-week visit before we head into two days of core exams with Functional Skills English on Thursday and GCSE Maths on Friday morning. Please note that the Post-16 Centre is closed for exams for the next two days for these, but open next week as a normal school week.
  • Monday 15 May 2023 The Exam Season Has Officially Begun Today saw the official kick off of the exams season at the Post 16 Centre with Maths Functional Skills exams, this is the first of three days of closures this week. Exam revision and preparation paid off with many students leaving the morning exam with smiles on their faces - we would like to wish all of our students the very best over the next month as we wrap up portfolios and sit exams in a range of subjects.
  • Friday 5 May 2023 Summer 2023 Exams
  • Thursday 27 April 2023 Post 16 continues to challenge its students on hot topics This display went up yesterday to continue to challenge our students at Post 16 on what is “banter” and what is bullying and where does that line fall Having conversations in form times about when they’ve experienced bullying or comments that have made them feel sad or uncomfortable has been eye opening to the experiences of our students and has allowed staff to approach this type of discussion in a really powerful way.
  • Thursday 20 April 2023 Spring has arrived at Post 16 We welcomed back all of the students this week to begin the summer term and the necessary exam prep ahead of the summer exams before we wrap up of the year. Personalised calendars for exams will be being sent out next week along with school closures dates for exams. This term will also see some exciting additions to the landscaping. We are beginning a development project that will increase the number of outdoor activities we are able to offer to students on site, and our allotment plans will also begin to take shape this term.
  • Monday 3 April 2023 Easter Task Master at Post 16 Post 16 students today experienced a full task master experience working in groups this morning to blow a frozen pea across the maths room, recreate an album, and suggest titles for famous memes. As April begins our month of Co-operation with our character development programme it was great to see the students working together with a competitive edge today. We wish all students at post 16 a wonderful Easter break and look forward to welcoming them back on Tuesday April 18th 8:30am.
  • Thursday 30 March 2023 Day Trip to Edinburgh for Post 16 Students Students from the Post 16 centre had a very early start to their Wednesday this week with an early flight to Edinburgh to see the city, do an historic experience of the streets below the city and take in the differences Scotland’s capital had to offer. With several students never having been on a plane before or a tram, it was a great day out for our students to try new things. From ordering food to walking in the crowded streets, several managed their social anxiety well and all had a great day! Its opened their eyes to what they can do in the future.
  • Tuesday 28 March 2023 Easter Revision for Post 16 Students As we finish for the Easter holidays this Friday at 12pm students will be reminded and encouraged to engage in some personal study over the next two weeks to begin their preparations for the summer exam series. Maths and English revision are encouraged over the break and we will be sending home personalised timetables at the start of the summer term.
  • Thursday 23 March 2023 Post 16 Spring Construction Projects I had the absolute pleasure of popping over to the Bridge Central construction suite to have a look at the fantastic work our Year 13’s have been working on all term to showcase their skills. A bird palace is the only way to describe Blayne’s bird house, and a gorgeous bench made by Cora. I was blown away by their projects and look forward to seeing the summer builds they undertake.
  • Friday 17 March 2023 The Ducklings are off to the farm. The joy these little baby ducks have brought to the provisions at Manor Road this week and last has been second to none. They’ve been walking down hallways, swimming, and cuddled by staff and students alike. A great feature for British Science Week with the theme “connections” this week. All have thoroughly enjoyed the experience, however today they will be collected to head back to the bird sanctuary in Devon where they be rehomed. A wonderful spring learning experience for the students of the MK Primary Pru, Bridge Academy West and The Stephenson Trust Post 16 Centre.
  • Tuesday 14 March 2023 The Ducklings at Manor Road have their First Swim As part of British Science Week at Manor road the ducklings have been bringing smiles to both the students and staff alike and today they were finally old enough to have their first swim. Students enjoyed feeding them and drying them off from their swim today and the experience carries on until Friday this week when they will return to a bird sanctuary down in Devon.
  • Monday 13 March 2023 First Aid Training for Post-16 Students Post 16 students spent a full day this week completing their First Aid Training for Emergency First Aid in the Workplace. All ten students that signed up, passed with flying colours and had a great day learning a key life skill that will allow them to be qualified for the next three years.
  • Wednesday 8 March 2023 Post 16 students working towards their Level 2 Qualification in Catering Making chicken spring rolls from scratch and noodles today in their catering lessons, many Post 16 students have been working towards gaining their Level 2 Home Cooking qualification since September and are now completing the final dishes for their portfolios. With several staff offering to taste these for students they have been very popular today.
  • Wednesday 8 March 2023 Spring has landed at Post 16! Although you wouldn’t know this by the current weather the Post 16 Centre along with the Primary PRU and Bridge West are “eggcited” to announce that over the next two weeks we will be hatching, caring and teaching five baby duckling to swim! More pictures to come, as this is a great opportunity that ties in with National Science Week in learning about animals, nurture and positive wellbeing choices.
  • Friday 3 March 2023 The School Nurse Visits Post 16 Today for assembly Post 16 welcomed the school nurse to specifically speak to our young people abut oral hygiene and the impact of poor diet and smoking/vaping on teeth and gums. There was excellent discussion about how many times you should be brushing your teeth and how long for, with travel size toothbrushes being handed out to all. Many students were surprised at the long term ill health effects of not brushing regularly and looking after your teeth. With leaflets handed out, if any student has further questions they can contact the ChatHealth Nurse for confidential advice on 07480635517
  • Monday 27 February 2023 Applications for September 2023 at Post 16 are now open! Applications for the Stephenson Trust Post 16 Centre are now open for September 2023 – applications are due in by Friday March 31st . In order to be more sustainable you can now apply directly to the Centre via our new online application form for both Year 12 and Year 13. This can be found under the Bridge Academy Website, Manor Road, and there you’ll find the drop down menu for the Post 16 Centre and our application form. Should you have any issues submitting an application to us.
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